- King's College di Londra
- Regno Unito – Coordinatori
- https://www.kcl.ac.uk
- Università degli Studi di Milano
- Italia – Partner
- https://www.kcl.ac.uk
- Università di Bordeaux
- Francia - Partner
- https://www.u-bordeaux.fr
- Università di Zagabria
- Croazia - Partner
- http://www.unizg.hr
Danica Vidović Juras, DMD, MSc, PhD is employed as an associate professor of oral medicine at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She also works at University Dental Clinic, University Hospital Centre Zagreb as a specialist in oral medicine/oral pathology, a consultant for medically compromised patients requiring oral/dental care and she provides dental care under general anaesthesia. As a lecturer and a member of organizing committee she participates in the numerous continuing education courses and international symposia. In order to continue her education and to present her research results or clinical experiences, she regularly attends national and international conferences. She is the author of many articles, scientific and professional, in national and international journals. She is a vice president and a member of the Board of directors of: Croatian Society for Oral Medicine and Pathology – Croatian Medical Association and Croatian Association of Hospital Dentistry/Special Care Dentistry and a member of many professional and scientific associations. She has received several honours and awards, including the European Association of Oral Medicine Travel Scholarship Award.
- Università di Santiago di Compostela
- Spagna – Partner
- https://www.usc.es
- Portogallo – Partner
- https://www.cespu.pt
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